5 Reasons Strategic 社交媒体 Matters for All Businesses


It’s no secret social media has taken the world by storm. 我们通过全球运动看到了它的力量, 电子商务蓬勃发展, 病毒磁性, 甚至是文化和社会的变化. Its ability to connect people and businesses is unlike any medium in our time.

对很多企业来说, 全身心投入社交活动是有风险的, but social media is no longer a “nice to have.” Serious gains can be realized by B2C and B2B brands that integrate a strategic and authentic social media strategy into their marketing mix.

Consider these five benefits for investing in starting or enhancing your social strategy:


One of the most important reasons to be on social media is to build brand awareness. Social platforms offer you a cost-effective way to reach prospects and customers, 无论你是B2C还是B2B公司. When you optimize on key tactics and listen to your community there is almost always an opportunity to enhance awareness for better ROI down the road.

A great example of building awareness using social as your main platform is from National Geographic. In 2019 Nat Geo pivoted its exclusive community “Your Shot” to an Instagram概要 that makes use of professional and amateur user-generated content alike. 品牌标签, #YourShotPhotographer和#NatGeoYourShot, helped keep UGC (User Generated Content) in one place for Nat Geo to repost and currently has over 23 million posts combined. This tactic earned National Geographic more UGC in a single year than the branded website had in 15 years and expertly made use of its own community to expand brand awareness and build loyalty simultaneously.


An active social media presence can improve your 产品 和服务 through direct and immediate customer feedback. You don’t have to build a brand community from the ground up. 利用社交媒体进行策划.

首页 in on your target audience by experimenting and testing different types of content. Use analytics and listening to better understand customer wants, needs and pain points. 他们在找什么? Why are they choosing you over your competitor (or your competitor over you)?

And don’t underestimate the power of direct messaging prospects and customers through your social channels. This feature alone can facilitate better service, 更深的关系, and greater insights – all through an efficient and convenient customer touch point.

Caribou leveled up their customer experience when they took stock of how many people with a no-dairy dietary restriction were complaining about the additional charge for oat and almond milk substitutes after they offered it for free as a one-time promotion. So many people requested that they keep it as a permanent change that Caribou complied – and made a killer campaign out of it with great feedback. 额外的好处? They converted many of those who had previously gone to other coffee shops but no longer wanted to pay extra for a dietary restriction they had no control over:


All social platforms offer analytics and most offer access to their API by third-party tools that allow for deeper, 更多战略见解. 您可以查看表现最好的帖子, 追随者收益, 点击, and engagements month-over-month or even year-over-year. You can easily carry out community management as well, since many of these tools allow you to see comments, direct messages (DMs) and other activity on channels.

Each metric can give you a better insight into the performance and reach of your content. 回顾市场趋势, 常见的评论, and questions can help you adjust your business strategy and improve your 产品 和服务 along the way.


More consumers are using social as their primary source of information when researching a potential purchase decision. 当你查看你的社交资料时, they are paying attention to how your channels are structured, 你的内容是否相关, 以及其他人对你的帖子的评论, 产品, 和服务.

Maintaining channel health by creating compelling and relevant content that fits into your overall brand’s tone and visuals will give you those follower and conversion gains.


Driving sales and revenue have always been an opportunity on social platforms, but the outlook post-pandemic is even more promising when it comes to ROI via social media.

56%的消费者 said they are more influenced by social images and videos when shopping online than they were prior to the pandemic. Using social to enhance customer relationships and remove barriers from purchasing 产品 with features like one-touch buying, 目录的经历, and direct links to 产品 or pricing are just a few ways you can see immediate returns.

除了这五个机会之外, social platforms are constantly evolving to better serve consumers and businesses. 个性化广告和内容, affinity groups and user forums make it possible for like-minded people to connect with the people and 产品 that will enhance their daily lives. Done right, it’s a win-win for the buyer and the business! If you need help putting social media to work for your brand, start by taking advantage of a DKY 社交媒体审计.
