

作为一个相对较新的添加到营销工具箱, there has been some confusion as to what qualifies as “content” and how it can be leveraged to achieve business objectives.


多年来, traditional marketing methods have struggled to break through the increasingly cluttered and competitive landscape of the 21st 世纪. More companies are turning to content marketing to drive awareness and engagement, from corporations to small businesses and one-person operations.

在这个由三部分组成的系列中, we’ll break down the ins and outs of content marketing: the reasons for developing a content marketing strategy, 成功战略的关键要素, 还有一些有效活动的例子. 晚些时候, we’ll provide deeper insights into a few specific aspects of content marketing and its role in amplifying overall marketing success.

作为一个相对较新的添加到营销工具箱, there has been some confusion as to what qualifies as “content” and how it can be leveraged to achieve business objectives.

内容营销协会 defines content marketing as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, 有关, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and, 最终, 推动有利可图的客户行为.“这里的关键词是 “有价值的.”

如果处理得当, 你的潜在客户和客户应该积极寻找你的内容, 而不是避免它. 的 most effective content is timely, personal, genuine, honest, helpful, and visually appealing. 它可以有无数种形式, 包括教育文章, 信息图, 视频, 在线研讨会, 播客, 还有像这样的博客.


内容营销是一种投资. 这是不可否认的. It takes time and financial resources to develop a strategy and execute a campaign, 要取得成果需要时间. However, the benefits of this investment can be significant, including increased:

  • 目标受众的品牌知名度. 广泛的认可听起来很棒, but what really matters is if the right consumers—those most likely to buy—are familiar with your brand.
  • 观众参与. 只要内容合适, it is possible to capture the interest of casual readers or viewers and convert them to subscribers.
  • 客户忠诚度. Content that resonates can increase customers’ positive impressions of your brand and strengthen their connection to it.
  • 铅一代. Content marketing is a cost-efficient and effective way to identify consumers who may be ideal customers. 对于封闭内容尤其如此, which requires a reader or viewer to provide contact information to access the content.
  • 销售和盈利能力. Every business wants to grow revenue and profit—an integrated marketing program that includes well-executed content marketing can be a significant driver into the sales funnel.

Content marketing works best when it complements other marketing efforts that ladder up to overarching business goals. 它应该是全渠道沟通战略的一部分, 还有公共关系, 社交媒体营销, 搜索营销, 广告, 等. This surround-sound approach ensures customers receive consistent messages through multiple channels, 推动更多的参与和忠诚于你的品牌.

Five key factors of a successful content marketing strategy include:

  • 品牌指导方针. All content marketing should reflect the visual look and voice of an organization’s brand standards.
  • 可衡量的营销目标. 的re should be clear ROMI (return on marketing investment) metrics like impressions, 下载, 订阅, 点击, CTA(文字-动作), 等.
  • 客户调研与数据. Informed insights help brands understand and connect with the right customers through the right channels.
  • 内容日历. A structured approach helps ensure a steady flow of content and close coordination among integrated teams and initiatives.
  • 正在进行分析. 内容营销需要一种“测试和学习”的方法, and analytics is the best way to uncover what’s working and what isn’t.

内容营销的例子比比皆是. Those that truly stand out provide useful and 有关 content that address customer needs or help them solve problems.

Below are a few examples of content programs that DKY has either led or supported:

  • Winnebago debuted an enhanced digital content hub in 2021 called 温尼贝戈内幕 that provides valuable insight into the latest Winnebago product innovations and brand news, as well as improved shopper tools to simplify the purchasing experience. Featured content is updated regularly with the latest “breaking news” about soon-to-be released models, 服务及质素提升, 最新科技, and other information that existing and prospective customers need to make in their purchasing decisions.
  • ADM每月制作一个播客, 坐在驾驶座上, and corresponding content campaign that’s focused on helping grain producers manage their financial risk and plan for the future. 的 hosts cover educational topics and conduct interviews with ag experts who offer timely, 行业视角.

Below are other well-known, national campaigns that have made an impact:

  • Adobe Acrobat的“荣誉英雄”视频 展示了一些大流行英雄的照片, while simultaneously illustrating the product suite’s capabilities. 这段视频奏效了,收到了超过3个.4 million views—because it came across as genuine and heart-felt.
  • 康乐器材公司. (REI), a co-operative for outdoor enthusiasts, publishes a monthly blog called “常见路径” that highlights stories and issues related to the environment and outdoor recreation, while also spotlighting the perfect gear for that next adventure. 内容有趣,信息丰富,视觉上很吸引人. 事实上, 这个博客有近350个用户,每月新增访客000人, proof that harnessing high-volume search terms and providing in-depth coverage of topics your audience cares about pays off.
  • Slack的前沿视频会谈 have helped educate companies on remote communications solutions during the pandemic, 当时许多人被迫停止了面对面的工作. 的 视频 have helped business leaders address pressing challenges while also driving more traffic to the company’s annual conference.

For more information on how DKY can help you develop an effective content marketing campaign, please 皇冠体育官网.
